Our Successes
It's all been worthwhile. This is a phrase we love to hear - from both exhibitors and visitors alike. It encapsulates the feeling we want to engender at our trade fairs. Contacts between suppliers and buyers are forged. A forum for transferring know-how and exchanging ideas is created. Foundations for establishing lasting business relationships are laid down, because this is where people meet people.
Nobody offers you better opportunities in Southeast Asia than Messe Düsseldorf. You can rely on our experience - we create functional marketing platforms that help you achieve long-lasting success.
Latest News
- Outstanding exhibitor and visitor participation at synergistic co- located exhibitions MEDICAL FAIR ASIA and MEDICAL MANUFACTURING ASIA 2024
- Healthcare innovations, sourcing and networking opportunities at MEDICAL FAIR ASIA and MEDICAL MANUFACTURING ASIA 2024
- CIOSH THAILAND 2024: First edition concludes on a high note as sourcing platform for PPE innovation
- A Platform for Industry Excellence: ProWine Singapore 2024
- PACK PRINT INTERNATIONAL and CorruTec ASIA wrap up 2023 successfully on a high note
- Advancing Metallurgy and Foundry Technology: Synergy at GIFA and METEC Southeast Asia 2023, co-located with wire and Tube exhibitions
- 10th edition of MEDICAL FAIR THAILAND ends on a high note as it sets new benchmarks in healthcare innovation and solutions, and deeper engagement
- T-PLAS 2023: Successful conclusion at BITEC ■ Event highlights: Recycling Solutions Zone and Circular Economy Conference ■ Preparations underway for next edition in 2024 – introducing ‘Plastics and Rubber Thailand’
- Powering Forward: The demonstrated demand for wire and tubes, and synergy with metallurgy and foundry technology at co-located exhibitions - wire and Tube Southeast Asia with GIFA and METEC Southeast Asia
- Let’s meet in Bangkok! MEDICAL FAIR THAILAND gears up for 10th edition with strong international line-up and new highlights
- wire and Tube Southeast Asia, and the inaugural GIFA and METEC SOUTHEAST ASIA trade fairs close with strong international presence and high exhibitor and visitor satisfaction
- T-PLAS all set to return to Bangkok in 2023: Preparations underway for upcoming edition to be held from 20-23 September
- PLASTICS & RUBBER VIETNAM 2022 closed on an optimistic note with over 6,000 trade visitors
- INDOPLAS, INDOPACK and INDOPRINT 2022 draw strong attendance at first in-person trade fairs in 4-years
- Success of ProWine Singapore 2022 demonstrates strong demand in Southeast Asia’s growing wines and spirits business
- MEDICAL FAIR ASIA and MEDICAL MANUFACTURING ASIA 2022 attracted 12,700 attendees for its first phygital edition
- T-PLAS – International Trade Fair for the Plastics and Rubber Industries will now move to 2023
- MEDICAL FAIR ASIA gears up for ‘business as usual’ but better with a Phygital Edition in 2022
- MEDICAL FAIR THAILAND to cancel 2022 edition. Next edition will be from 13 to 15 Sep 2023.
- PACK PRINT INTERNATIONAL and Corrutec ASIA re-scheduled to October 2022
- wire, Tube, GIFA and METEC Southeast Asia postponed to October 2022
- OS+H Asia goes hybrid from 8 – 12 November 2021
- PACK PRINT INTERNATIONAL, CorruTec ASIA and T-PLAS postponed to 9 – 12 Feb 2022.
- MEDICAL FAIR THAILAND postponed to February 2022
- wire, Tube, GIFA and METEC Southeast Asia re-scheduled to February 2022
- OS+H Asia postponed to 29 Sep – 01 Oct 2021 with hybrid edition.
- MEDICAL FAIR ASIA 2020 wraps up a successful first digital edition
- New dates all set for ProWine Asia (Singapore): 10 to 13 May 2022
- OS+H Asia postponed to 28 - 30 July 2021
- MEDICAL FAIR ASIA 2020 GOES DIGITAL with Online Convenience for Medical Sourcing Needs
- Postponement of INDOPLAS, INDOPACK and INDOPRINT 2020 to 2021.
- OS+H Asia 2020 postponed to 9-11 December 2020
- MEDICAL FAIR ASIA 2020 postponed to 9 – 11 December 2020
- MEDICAL MANUFACTURING ASIA 2020 is cancelled. The exhibition will next be held from 31 Aug to 2 Sep 2022
- ProWine Asia (Singapore) to be postponed to March 2021
- wire and Tube Southeast Asia 2019: Celebrates twenty years and continued success – the two exhibitions strengthen their positions as region’s leading trade fairs in their sectors
- Strong performance at PACK PRINT INTERNATIONAL 2019 reflective of positive outlook for Asia’s packaging and print markets
- MEDICAL FAIR THAILAND breaks multiple attendance and participation records at its 9th edition
- Tomorrow's printing and packaging megatrends at PACK PRINT INTERNATIONAL 2019 - Messe Düsseldorf Asia and its co-organizers present an international showcase for the entire value chain
- T-PLAS 2019 beckons amid ASEAN economic acceleration
- Rapid urbanisation, increased infrastructure spending heightens demand in the wire, cable, tube and pipe industries
- Messe Düsseldorf Asia expands trade fair portfolio to the Philippines
- T-PLAS 2019 – A Full-spectrum Showcase of Cutting-edge Technologies for the Region’s Plastics and Rubber Sectors
- indometal 2018 – continues to gain momentum as the gateway to global technologies for the metal & steel industries
- Rapid urbanisation, increased infrastructure spending heightens demand in the wire, cable, tube and pipe industries
- PACK PRINT INTERNATIONAL 2019: Shaping the future of Packaging and Printing in Asia
- indometal 2018 – entryway to Indonesia’s thriving business opportunities
- Record attendance at INDOPLAS, INDOPACK and INDOPRINT with strong international presence, more technology on display, and local visitors all on the rise
- OSHA SINGAPORE: Improving Workplace Safety And Health (Wsh) Through Innovation And Technology At OS+H Asia 2018
- MEDICAL FAIR ASIA & MEDICAL MANUFACTURING ASIA 2018: Medical, healthcare and MedTech innovations take centre stage at Asia’s leading exhibitions
- OSHA SINGAPORE: Making workplace safety and health a top priority: OS+H Asia 2018 to further champion safety and health topics at concurrently held Forum
- MEDICAL FAIR ASIA: Record-breaking MEDICAL FAIR ASIA: The comprehensive sourcing and knowledge sharing platform
- PACK PRINT INTERNATIONAL 2019: Shaping the future of Packaging and Printing in Asia
- INDOMETAL 2018: Upbeat infrastructure demand and positive growth in Indonesia’s metal and steel sectors
- MEDICAL MANUFACTURING ASIA 2018: Delivering solutions for the future of medtech