Our Trade Fairs
Machinery, Plant & Equipment
Plastics and Rubber Thailand
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PLASTICS & RUBBER VIETNAM Plastics & Rubber Vietnam showcases a comprehensive range of manufacturing processes, technologies and services for the plastics and rubber sectors in Vietnam. |
PACKPRINTPLAS PACKPRINTPLAS Philippines is Phillipines' biggest trade exhibition, bringing exciting business opportunities to the interrelated industries of printing, packaging, and plastics. | |
PACK PRINT INTERNATIONAL Messe Düsseldorf Asia has developed a truly regional event for the packaging and printing industry - PACK PRINT INTERNATIONAL, the biggest trade fair of its kind in Southeast Asia, in partnership with the Thai Packaging Association and The Thai Printing Association. | |
CorruTec ASIA Making its debut in 2022, CorruTec ASIA, a dedicated business platform for manufacturers and suppliers of machinery, accessories and services serving the corrugated packaging industry, will showcase of some of the best corrugated packaging innovations and technology. |
Tube Southeast Asia The region's foremost tube and pipe trade fair for manufacturers and processing companies is the ideal platform to market the latest tube and pipe machinery and equipment, new technology and manufacturing solutions. | |
wire Southeast Asia The regional wire and cable industry's most significant trade show linking industry players to a targeted audience of key decision makers from Thailand and around the region. |
GIFA Indonesia
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METEC Indonesia
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GIFA Southeast Asia A specialist trade fair for casting technologies and innovations, showcasing foundry systems, including casting machines and technologies, pouring equipment and more.
Co-located with wire and Tube Southeast ASIA. | |
METEC Southeast Asia METEC Southeast Asia is the region’s niche trade fair focused on
metallurgy, steel casting and steel production.
Co-located with wire and Tube Southeast ASIA. |
Medical and Healthcare / Occupational Safety+Health
MEDICAL FAIR ASIA Focused on equipment and supplies for the hospital, diagnostic, pharmaceutical, medical and rehabilitation sectors, MEDICAL FAIR ASIA is Asia's most significant specialist medical and health care exhibition. Inaugurated in 1997, this exhibition is today the benchmark event in Asia. | |
MEDICAL MANUFACTURING ASIA MEDICAL MANUFACTURING ASIA, jointly organized by SPETA (Singapore Precision Engineering & Technology Association) showcases the latest technologies and advances in medical manufacturing processes. | |
MEDICAL FAIR THAILAND Following the footsteps of MEDICAL FAIR ASIA, this trade fair is the leading medical and healthcare platform serving the Thai and Indochina markets as well as the neighbouring Southeast Asia markets. |
Thailand International Exhibition for Personal Protective Equipment
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The Occupational Safety+Health Exhibition for Asia Occupational Safety + Health Asia is the leading trade show in Singapore for workplace safety and health. It is established as the regional forum for health and occupational safety experts in Southeast Asia. |
Wine / Lifestyle
ProWine Singapore The satellite event of the successful ProWein trade fair in Düsseldorf, ProWine Singapore has a solid blend of sound industry knowledge and expertise, established trade connections and an even wider presentation of international wines and spirits.